Day 5 of exploring Interaction Design

Hasti Majithiya
1 min readJun 1, 2021

We came up with crazy ideas of converting our simple boring houses into a dream home. I heard and got inspired by what my peers thought. Some thought of reducing their efforts and getting towards AI, some thought of making crazy devices, and between all the crazy ideas, I thought about materials.

What if all the objects in our house could change their material properties? we can convert and reuse so many things. There is no limit to the uses of the objects if they can change their materials. walls can be wood, tables can be fabric, wool can be cotton, silk can be wool. As I mentioned, there is no limit.

Then, we thought about the practicality of our idea. How we can make these things happen.

We were told to make sketches and to explain our ideas visually. We could make comics to represent what we want to convey. Basically what we had to present, was how a person will interact with the technology. How things are actually gonna work. we made sketches on the user experience of the technology and received feedbacks.

I made an application that can connect to a device. a device that can connect to objects which are going to change their materials. And that was the end of the exercise.

Overall, it was a great experience exploring this field. we got to know that this field is wider than we thought.

